Korean Drumming and Creative Music

Jin Hi Kim - Assistant Professor of the Practice in Music, Part-time; Director, Korean Drumming Ensemble

The Wesleyan Korean Drumming Ensemble is among one of the few Korean drumming ensemble courses offered in U.S. colleges. In fall 2016 the Wesleyan Korean Drumming course became the Korean Drumming and Creative Music course as a culturally diverse student ensemble, directed by Assistant Professor of the Practice in Music, Part-time and Director, Korean Drumming Ensemble, Jin Hi Kim. 

Initiated by Joo Im Moon, '03, a Freeman Asian Scholar from South Korea, the ensemble started as an informal student group in 2001.

Joo Im Moon had some p'ungmulnori lessons in Korea before coming to Wesleyan and became the instructor for the group. The informal student group met with great enthusiasm from Wesleyan students. One year later, Joo Im acquired the support from the Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies and brought back a few musical instruments from Korea. She then formed the Samulnori Student Forum in Fall 2002, with Professor Su Zheng, then the Chair of the East Asian Studies Program, as faculty advisor.


MUSC 413 Korean Drumming and Creative Music:

No Audition Required. Everybody is welcome. There is no requirement for prior experience of drumming.

Attend the first class.

Click here to visit WesMaps to learn more about the course.


MUSC 414 Korean Drumming and Creative Music Advanced:

No Audition Required.  Prereq MUSC 413

Attend the first class.


Click here to visit WesMaps to learn more about the course.

Click here to visit the East Asian Music website